Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Four Months

Four Months ago, Melaina became a part of our family.
Melaina Day-March 5, 2012
M with her foster mom.

We've seen drastic changes in her overall personality.
She's no longer the timid, quiet baby we met in March.
She's curious, happy & always getting into something.
She no longer lets Harper run the show.

She's quite vocal if Harper does something that she doesn't like.

She's turned into a true American eating nearly everything we feed her.
She loves ice cream, oatmeal, yogurt, noodles, bananas and CANDY!

Melaina has blossomed into a beautiful child.
She wakes up each morning with a smile on her face (honestly) & is ready to start her day.

We're very blessed to have her in our family.

She's a perfect match!


  1. SO wonderful to see how well Melaina is doing~ what a doll and you're right~ She's a perfect match!!! XO

  2. All three girls are just beautiful! You are truly blessed! So glad to hear she's adjusting well.

    Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

