Monday, October 8, 2012

My Love Bug

My little love bug had a special birthday last week.

It's not your special day if you don't bring treats to school.
We decided on purple cake pops.

It was my first time making them, but it was OH, SO easy!
If anyone knows my baking skills, they're pretty weak.
Even I, could master cake pops!

She wanted to wear a pretty dress to school, so I let her.
Normally, she doesn't get to wear dresses because she's a dirtbag at the end of the day.

No presents yet, she had to wait all day for her surprise.

Waiting patiently under the table with her eyes closed....Don't peak!

She was the proudest 4 year old on the planet!

Melaina in tow saying " My turn, My turn"

Healthy birthday meal of pizza, cookies, brownies, cupcakes & soda!

Shakespeare's Pizza with the usual suspects!

Happy Birthday sweet girl
We Love You!

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