Thursday, March 20, 2014

More Photos

Here's a few more photos from our "Melaina Day" evening.
After work, I went to M's daycare & read "Over the Moon", a beautiful adoption story, to her class.

She was so excited to have me there.

Her special request was pizza, ice cream & riding the carousel at the mall.

Bria joined us!

Waving at Daddy

Our traditional photo of M in her clothes from China

Doing the splits in her split pants!

H in her China outfit

China shoes

Playing rough with Daddy

Harper attempting a photo of us, not bad for a 5 yr old.

Melaina has made significant improvements in her overall physical strength.
In the last few months, she's developed the strength & confidence to jump off things like curbs, step stools & even her bed! She's running like a normal 3 yr old.
I used to say she wouldn't be our athete, but she may prove us wrong.
Her speech has also dramatically improved. She still has a way  to go, but with time & therapy she should get there. 

God has blessed us with our beautiful angel.
We love you M

Monday, March 17, 2014

Two Years

Two years ago, on St Patrick's Day, we became a complete family of 5.
Since Neil didn't travel with me to China, "Melaina Day" is the day we became a family of 5 in the USA.

Hu Hua Xiang was born on July 2, 2010 in Chengdu, Sichuan, China with a serious heart defect.
She had open heart surgery at the age of 5 months old.
She went into to foster care from 6 months old until the day we met her in March.

Pictures while in China

Thank God for Grandmas! This adoption would not have happened with out the love & support of my mom. 

Xiang was placed in my arms on March 5, 2012.

Melaina & her foster mom

After traveling over 24 hours, Melaina & I were finally reunited with our family.

Melaina has easily fit into our family as the youngest child.
When I met her, she was very timid & scared ( do you blame her?)
It took some time for her to like us & even more time for her to love us.

She was very attached with her foster family & had a difficult time transitioning to her new family.
Watching your child grieve for the life & family they used to have is heartbreaking.
With time, she began to trust us & eventually let us see her big personality.

When we brought her home, she was very much a baby. She didn't walk on her own yet, didn't feed herself, still took a bottle & had no muscle tone.

With great nutrition, occupational therapy, speech therapy,  play therapy with big sis & ALOT of love, she has caught up in most areas. She quickly graduated from OT & still receives speech services.

Here's a few of my favorites from the last year. 

She's the sweetest, most tender hearted child who loves her family, especially her sisters!
Even though she had a rough start with us, she's securely bonded & attached ( especially to me ) to us.
We're thankful we opened our hearts to adoption again.
Happy Day to Melaina.
We love you!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

February Dump

FCC Chinese New Year Event

The girls really enjoyed the college students company.

Melaina found a new boyfriend!

The Bigs took the Littles to see Frozen.
So sweet.
Did I mention H & M are obsessed with the movie?

Happy Birthday Mimi!

Mimi had a birthday on February 22.
We had a birthday brunch with just a few of the grandkids.

Nora's automatic reaction to my camera!

Happy Birthday to my mom, the most wonderful woman I know!
A loving ( ok, tolerant!) wife, a proud mama of 6, a doting grandma & great grandma.
She's taught each of us the lessons of life & we actually listened!
Mom has been by our side through the happy blissful times & has cried with us during the dark times.
She's constantly surrounded  by love in this family!

We love you Mimi!